July 15th – 19th


Row 5k easy pace
**Done—no issues.

3 rounds not for time
30 DU
Row 200m

A. press build to a tough double in 10mins
***110lbs–failed it once, then waited a couple minutes and hit it the second attempt.

B. SJ from rack build to a max
***180lbs–PR here finally–been stuck at 175 for a while now.  Still have more in the tank here but struggling to get under the bar quickly.

C. emom – 3-4 MU – 6mins
***4, 4, 3, 3, 111, 21; beginning of this went really well, but I was feeling the fatigue at the end.

D. FLR on rings accumulate 4mins
**Took 6:30.

5 rounds for time
Row 300m
FW 40m 80#/hand
***10:18 with 88# per hand–not too bad of a WOD, just moved through it at a good pace and kept at it.


AD 3mins easy pace
Row 3mins easy pace
Run 800m easy pace
x 4
***Didnt get this one in today–no time.

A. emom – HSC TnG x 2-3 65% of 1rm – 12mins fast
***Done at 115lbs–got heavy toward the end, but no issues.

B. emom – 12mins
odd – FS 80% of 1rm 1-2
even – 8 T2B
***FS done at 175lbs, 2 reps for each round.  8 T2B were unbroken each round.

C. 30 TGU tough alt hands per rep light
***Done at 44lbs–tough, had to break after every 4-6 reps for about 30 seconds.

12mins 80-90% aero
Run 200m
25 DU
10 air squats
***7 rounds–all DU unbroken.


A1. push press TnG; 3-4; rest 30sec
A2. 15 chin ups; rest 30sec
A3. amrap -1 HSPU kipped;
rest 4mins x 3
***Round one: 115lbs, UB chinups, 11 HSPU
***Round two: 125lbs, UB chinups, 13 HSPU
***Round three: 135lbs, 10, 5 chinups, 11 HSPU

B. emom – 12mins
odd – 1 MU + 5 ring dips
even – pendlay row 4-5 @20X1
***Done at 135s for penally row; ring dips were really easy today.
for time
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 wall walks
20, 18, 15, 12, 9 ring rows
***6:25–this was awful.  My ring rows sucked toward the end, and the sets got smaller and smaller as I went.  Not a fun combo at all.


A. clean and jerk build to a tough single in several sets
***175lbs–pissed off that I am stuck here.  I am not getting full extension on the clean, and I am balking getting underneath the jerk.  Need to work on this a lot.
5min 90% effort
10 air squats
10 situps
10 kbs 1.5pd
**5 rounds–not tough.

rest 3 mins

5mins 90% compare to last week
Row 150m
8 T2B
**4 rounds plus 60m–stayed on pace for 5 rounds but lost it once I lost unbroken t2b in the fourth round.

rest 3 mins

5mins 90%
7 wall balls
7 box jump 24″ sd
5 deadlifts 155#
**5 rounds–worst one of the day.  The combo of the movements plus the small rest time before hand was rough.  Took everything I had to get 5 rounds and stay on pace.

rest 3 mins

5mins 90%
5 T2B
10 step ups
10 HR pushups
***5 rounds–not bad at all.  Good set to come down from being gassed on the previous one.

rest 3 mins

5min 90%
Row 1k
remainder of time DB snatch 60# alt hands per rep
**8 DB snatches at 50#.  Was gassed by the end.

About thefitwhit

Just a 27-year-old trying to stay fit and make waves in this crazy beautiful world.
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