July 21

A. back squat 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1; rest 3mins
***175×3, 205×3, 215×2, 225×2, 235×1, 245×1–called it there.  Legs felt weak today, so didn’t push it to my max.

B. BB on back reverse lunge 4-5/leg; rest 3mins x 3
***125lbs, 145lbs, 155lbs–not too bad. 

C. 3 sets
single arm overhead walk lunge 35-45# 10 steps R arm
single arm overhead wlak lunge 35-45# 10steps L arm
50 DU
rest 90sec
***Used 45# for all three sets.  The weight overhead wasn’t bad, but the balancing act was pretty tough.  Had a hard time doing continuous lunges and had to pause at the top to balance before going down again.  DU were unbroken.

D. for time
Row 1k
AD 50cals
Run 800m
***14:00–AD was just a grind on this one.

5k Row easy
***Doing this tonight.


About thefitwhit

Just a 27-year-old trying to stay fit and make waves in this crazy beautiful world.
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