June 26 – June 30

Row 5k easy pace

A. back squat build to a tough 5 in 5sets

***85, 125, 155, 175, 205, 215—these felt awesome today, and the 215 was tough only on the last rep. Getting stronger!

for time
50 DU 2 MU 5 burpees
40 DU 2 MU 5 burpees
30 DU 2 MU 5 burpee
20 DU 2 MU 5 burpee
10 DU 2 MU 5 burpees
**6:10—the muscle ups frustrated me, and I let my mind tell me I couldn’t do them unbroken the whole time. I definitely could have, but I need to learn to trust myself more on these.

10 sets easy pace
Run 200m
FLR on rings 30sec
**Completed—felt like it took forever.

10min 90% aero
Row for cals

***2450m—2:02 pace with 19rpm; tough to maintain that pace for 10 min, and I was gassed for about a minute or so afterwards.
rest 3mins
10mins 90% aero
AD 20cals
10 walk lunges
10 situps

***3 rounds plus 13 calories—AD was limiter, but tried to stay at a tough pace.
rest 3mins
10min 90% aero
Row for cals

***2407m—2:04 pace; SHIT this was tough, and it took me about 2 minutes to get off the rower afterwards.
rest 3mins
10mins 90% aero
5 power clean and jerk
95# 10 HR pushups
10 CTB chin up in unbroken 5’s

***4 rounds plus 5 clean and jerks—tough because I was spent at this point, but I tried to keep stuff unbroken as long as possible. Couldn’t keep the CTB unbroken, but tried to cycle them quickly.

Row 500m 90% aero rest 2mins x 6-8
rest 4mins after 4th

***Didn’t get this in

A. snatch build to a tough single in 10mins not a 1rm
***Hit 135lbs, most I have hit in a while. I need to gain the confidence on this move that I have on cleans. I know I can get more, but I lack the faith in my form to just go for it.

B. emom – PSx1/snatch balance x 2 easy weight perfect form work on speed – 6-8mins
***did it with 85lbs, no problems +

close grip bench press 8-10
3 rope climbs
AD 30 cals 90% aero
rest 3mins x 4

***4:11, 4:02, 3:51, 3:27 with 105lbs for bench press **This was a lot tougher than expected, but I pushed harder and harder on each one. The last set was basically unbroken rope climbs with no rest, which I should have done earlier. Tiring but good sets.

AD 45mins easy pace
every 5mins complete do 2 TGU 1pd right and left
**Will do this tonight

A. FS build to a tough triple
***195lbs for a triple, 205lbs for a double—happy with this.   Almost had 205lbs for three but got stuck halfway up. 200lb clean is coming!!!

B. 10-1 unbroken thruster for time 70#
**3:39—sets of 8, 7, and 6 were not fun.

C. 3 sets 80-90% aero
Row 500m
15 wall balls 14# 10′ target
10 T2B
60 DU
rest 5mins all sets same pace

***5:18, 4:55, 5:05—all sets were 4/4 on HSPU, 5/3/2 on T2B, and hot messes on DU. Felt gassed by the time I got to these sets, so they felt harder than they should have.

About thefitwhit

Just a 27-year-old trying to stay fit and make waves in this crazy beautiful world.
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