August 8

A1. Press Tng 5×5; rest 60sec
A2. wtd chin up pronated 3×5; rest 90sec
65, 75, 85, 95, and 100lbs on the strict press sets of 5, and I used 25, 30, 30, 35, and 35lbs on the weighted chin up triples.
Strict press got tough at the end, but I was able to lock out every rep well.

emom – 12mins
odd – 6-8 HSPU
even – snatch grip DL 2-3 tough
***I did 8 HSPU every round with no issues, and I did 3 sets of snatch grip DL at 165lbs and 3 sets at 185lbs—all triples.

C. 10 TGU heavy alt hands per rep
***Done at 44lbs—always a delight 😉

D. 10 Close grip bench press tough
Row 400m 90% aerobic
rest 90-120sec x 5sets 
***Close grip bench press sets were all done at 105lbs, and they got tough toward the 8th, 9th, and 10th reps. I didn’t have a spotter, so I didn’t’ want to go much heavier than that.
Rows were done in 1:39.1, 1:35.0, 1:34.8, 1:33.9, 1:32.0.

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August 7

2 rounds for time:
30 squat cleans, 65#
250m row
**7:38.  Felt like my cycle time on the squat cleans was slow.  I did them in 15/5/5/5 the first round and 6/4/5/4/3/3/2/2/1 on the second round.  My quads started blowing up toward the end, and I just tried to hold on to the pace.  Rows were a little over a 2:00 pace.  Just felt slow…

Worked on some gymnastics afterword–easy pace, nothing strenuous.

4 rounds:
Handstand walking practice
400m run

3 rounds:
10 strict handstand pushup

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August 5th and 6th

August 5th

A. Press cluster 2. 2. 2; rest 10sec/rest 3mins x 4 build per set
***Hit 85lbs, 95lbs, 100 (2.2.11), 100 (2.11.11)–started too high on this one, and the sets of 100lbs were rough.  I couldn’t maintain the 2.2.2, so I broke the last two sets up each time into singles with a little longer break.

B. SJ from blocks or rack build to a max
***These felt awful today–absolutely awful.  I couldn’t get into a good position overhead, I felt weak, and I couldn’t get comfortable with my form at all.  Worked up to 160lbs and called it there for the day.

C. emom – 12mins
odd – HPC x 2/PP x 1/PJ x 1 you pick weight
even – 10 box jump sd 24″
***First three sets of HPC/PP/PJ at 115lbs, last three at 125lbs.  No issues.  Box jumps were quick.
12mins grider pace
2 wall walks
2 burpee MU
2 rope climbs
***5 rounds plus 2 WW + 2 BMU.  So close to 6 rounds but fell off the pace a bit at the end.  First time I have ever done rope climbs without gloves, and it went really well–2.5 pulls each time up the rope.  MU felt great.

August 6th

Gymnastics play session:
***Worked on bar muscle ups, muscle ups, butterfly pullups, chest-to-bar, handstand pullups, and mixed in some 400m runs to flush out my legs.  Good low-key morning.

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July 30th thru August 4th

July 31st 
30min brisk walk fasted out of bed

5 rounds not for time
10 chin ups
10 pushups
10 OHS 45#
10 GHD situps
10 back extensions
**Done—quick sets, was a good warmup. I really like these at the beginning of each session.

A. SC thruster build to a max  **155lbs today. Previous max was 145lbs, so I will take it! Felt strong coming out of the bottom of the squat and was getting a lot of power going into the press.

B. emom – SC thruster x 2 75% of A – 6-10mins **done at 115lbs for 10 minutes. Not too bad.  +

Row 500m 95% effort  rest time it takes row (done at 1:52.8 pace)
Row 400m 95% effort  rest time it takes row 
(done at 1:53.1 pace)
Row 300m 95% effort  rest time it takes row 
(done at 1:50.5 pace)
Row 200m 95% effort rest time it takes row
(done at 1:47.5 pace)
Row 100m 95% effort
(done at 1:47.5 pace)

Aug 1st 
Run 20-30mins easy pace
**Done, felt great to get the legs moving.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1, not for time TAKE your time
rope climb 15′
**Done—HSPU were nothing today. Rope climbs went well—didn’t try to blow them out cardio-wise. Focused on three strong pulls on each climb and stayed consistent. 

for time
21, 15, 9 for time
wall ball 14# 10′ target
KBS 1.5 russian
box jump sd 20″
**5:13—damn this was a burner. The wall balls and KBS were fine, but the box jumps were just rough. I was winded after this one, but recovered in about 5 minutes.

rest 15mins 

for time
Run 400m
30 burpees
**3:31—run felt slow but I stayed at a consistent pace on the burpees

August 2nd
hang power snatch start at 60% of 1rm add 10# until max go when you feel ready each attempt if you fail you have three attempts to get the weight then call it
**Started at 65 and hit every weight until 115. Failed there twice and hit the third attempt—ugly, but was able to stand it up. Called it there.

close grip bench press @10X1; 2-3; 55-65% of 1rm; rest 45sec x 8 Speed focus if you the weight is to much lower the weight
**105lbs for all sets, no issues.

floor press @20X1; 12-15; rest 30sec
pendlay row @20X0; 12-14; rest 3mins x 3
**Did weights of 85lbs, 95lbs, and 105lbs for the three sets. I did 12 reps of the floor press each time and 14 of the pendlay rows. Pendlays never got hard, but damn did the floor presses get tough toward the 10th, 11th, and 12th reps each time.

3 rounds 90% aero
Run 400m
20 GHD situps
30 back ext
**12:50—this was painful. The back extentions were tough to get in a straight set of 30, but I fought through it and went unbroken every time on the sit ups and the back extensions. I felt like a baby deer on ice on the runs each time.

3rd off


  1. back squat @20X1; build to a 10rm **200lbs! I did sets of 10 at 35, 85, 125, 155, 175, 190, and 200lbs. Really happy with this today.
  2. BB FR walking lunges 20steps; rest 2mins x 3
    **95, 105, and 115lbs—rough after the back squats
  3. emom – PS x 1/OHS x 3 moderate weight you pick – 6mins
    ***Used 95lbs and went for 10 minutes on this—no issues.
  4. 30 TGU tough alt hands per rep you pick weight
    **44lbs—took me 11:15. Did sets of 4 then took breathers each time. Left arm significantly weaker than right
  5. Row 30sec all out
    rest 4mins x 2
    **1:37.4 and 1:36.7 pace for each of the sets.
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July 29th


A1. Close grip bench press @30X1; 10, 8, 6, 4, 2; rest 60sec
A2. Pendlay row @20X0; 8-10; rest 60sec
A3. seated arnold press @2020; 8-10; rest 60sec
A4. FW 30m heavy; rest 60sec
Round 1–CGBP 100lb x 10; Pendlay 125lb x 10; press 25lbs x 10; FW 88lb/hand
Round 2–CGBP 105lb x 8; Pendlay 125lb x 10; press 25lbs x 10; FW 88lb/hand
Round 3–CGBP 115lb x 6; Pendlay 135lb x 10; press 30lbs x 10; FW 88lb/hand
Round 4–CGBP 125lb x 4; Pendlay 135lb x 10; press 30lbs x 10; FW 88lb/hand
Round 5–CGBP 135lb x 2; Pendlay 145lb x 10; press 30lbs x 10; FW 88lb/hand
***Moved pretty smoothly through everything.  CGBP felt great today, and the FW was quick each time.  Pendlays were heavy–had to break the last set up into 5/5.
AD 30sec 90% aero
rest walk 30sec x 6
rest 2mins
Row 30sec 90% aero
rest walk 30sec x 6 
Run 30 seconds 90% aero
walk 30 sec x 6
Completed–I really liked this–good cardio.


Row 5k easy pace

Did a 45 minute spin class instead–no A/C in the studio, so I was pouring sweat.

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July 24-27 Training

A. back squat build to a tough 5 in 5sets
***125, 155, 185, 205, 215, 225×3–almost had the 225!!!!!
for time
50 DU
2 MU
5 burpees
40 DU
2 MU
5 burpees
30 DU
2 MU
5 burepee
20 DU
2 MU
5 burpee
10 DU
2 DU
5 burpee
***5:40–beat my previous time on this by 0:40.  Went unbroken on the MU through the first four rounds, then broke them on the fifth.

HS walk + AD 10 cal x 10 (instead of a swim)
**HS walks were a hot mess today–couldn’t get my stability to start going anywhere.


10mins 90% aero
AD 20cals
10 walk lunges
10 situps
***4 rounds plus 3 calories–fun one.
rest 3mins
10min 90% aero
Run 200m
6 burpees
10 KBS 1.5pd
rest 3mins
***4 rounds plus run, burpees, and 1 KBS–went unbroken on all KBS.  This one was a little tougher.
10mins 90% aero
5 power clean 75#
3 strict chin up
8 box jump sd 20″
Run 200m
***4 rounds plus PC, chin up, BJ, and 100m run–grinder, not bad either.

Row 5 k easy pace
***Done–no issues.


part 1
snatch build to a tough single
***130lbs, failed 140lbs about 10 times.  Frustrating day with these, missed forward on every one and lost confidence. 

part 2
3 rounds for time
10 HPC 105#
10 burpee over the bar
***3:28.  I LOVED THIS.  Went unbroken this whole time.

Part 3
Run 30 min easy pace
***Done–its been a while since I ran longer distances, and it was actually really enjoyable.


A. emom – 12mins
odd – RDL @22X1 2-3 moderate
even – box jump 30″ sd x 5
***Used 155×1, 175×2, 185×3 for the RDLs.  BJ were quick every round.

B. good morning @2111; 2; + back squat @32X1; 2-3; rest 3mins build this in 5sets all must be perfect
***Not exactly comfortable with doing weighted good mornings yet, so went slow on this.  Used 85, 105, 115, 125, 135.  The pause on the squats was brutal.

C. FLR on rings accumulate 5mins for time
***8:20 total–chunks of 20-30 seconds for the most part.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 for time
rope climb 15′
FS 80% of 1rm
***11:40.  Used 185lbs on the FS on accident (meant to use 170lbs…it was early) which is actually 88% of my max, so the FS were definitely the limiter.  Could only do singles on the rounds of 3, 2, 1.  Rope climbs felt awesome.

Row 500m rest 30sec x 8 all rows must be same pace
***Rows were all between 2:09 and 2:11 with a few at 2:07.  Pretty consistent on these with an RPM of 22.

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July 22

HS walk max distance + AD 30cal x 8 all easy pace 
***Completed–HS walks sucked something awful today, but it was good to work on them for a while.  Balancing in places was pretty good today, but walking was a struggle.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 not for time 
CTB chin up 
box jump high you pick height 
**Completed–all unbroken, no issues.
A. press build to a tough single in 10mins 
***115lbs, failed 120lbs twice.  Got it halfway up but couldn’t lock it out.  Tied my PR here.

B. press amrap in unbroken 2’s only 67% of A 4mins
***28 reps at 75lbs–got tough at the end.

C. 20 MU for time 
***6:05–so damn frustrated with this.  I hit a set of three at the beginning and then my arms died on me.  I treid to keep a good pace but it is so slow when you are doing singles.  The kip up was fine, but the ring dip at the top was dying out on me at the end.
not for time 
Row 300m 85% aero 
10, 8, 6, 4, 2 pendlay row build per set 
***did sets at 115, 125, 125, 145, 155–heavy sets were hard to do unbroken, so I paused a bit at the bottom in the middle of the set.

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July 21

A. back squat 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1; rest 3mins
***175×3, 205×3, 215×2, 225×2, 235×1, 245×1–called it there.  Legs felt weak today, so didn’t push it to my max.

B. BB on back reverse lunge 4-5/leg; rest 3mins x 3
***125lbs, 145lbs, 155lbs–not too bad. 

C. 3 sets
single arm overhead walk lunge 35-45# 10 steps R arm
single arm overhead wlak lunge 35-45# 10steps L arm
50 DU
rest 90sec
***Used 45# for all three sets.  The weight overhead wasn’t bad, but the balancing act was pretty tough.  Had a hard time doing continuous lunges and had to pause at the top to balance before going down again.  DU were unbroken.

D. for time
Row 1k
AD 50cals
Run 800m
***14:00–AD was just a grind on this one.

5k Row easy
***Doing this tonight.

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July 15th – 19th


Row 5k easy pace
**Done—no issues.

3 rounds not for time
30 DU
Row 200m

A. press build to a tough double in 10mins
***110lbs–failed it once, then waited a couple minutes and hit it the second attempt.

B. SJ from rack build to a max
***180lbs–PR here finally–been stuck at 175 for a while now.  Still have more in the tank here but struggling to get under the bar quickly.

C. emom – 3-4 MU – 6mins
***4, 4, 3, 3, 111, 21; beginning of this went really well, but I was feeling the fatigue at the end.

D. FLR on rings accumulate 4mins
**Took 6:30.

5 rounds for time
Row 300m
FW 40m 80#/hand
***10:18 with 88# per hand–not too bad of a WOD, just moved through it at a good pace and kept at it.


AD 3mins easy pace
Row 3mins easy pace
Run 800m easy pace
x 4
***Didnt get this one in today–no time.

A. emom – HSC TnG x 2-3 65% of 1rm – 12mins fast
***Done at 115lbs–got heavy toward the end, but no issues.

B. emom – 12mins
odd – FS 80% of 1rm 1-2
even – 8 T2B
***FS done at 175lbs, 2 reps for each round.  8 T2B were unbroken each round.

C. 30 TGU tough alt hands per rep light
***Done at 44lbs–tough, had to break after every 4-6 reps for about 30 seconds.

12mins 80-90% aero
Run 200m
25 DU
10 air squats
***7 rounds–all DU unbroken.


A1. push press TnG; 3-4; rest 30sec
A2. 15 chin ups; rest 30sec
A3. amrap -1 HSPU kipped;
rest 4mins x 3
***Round one: 115lbs, UB chinups, 11 HSPU
***Round two: 125lbs, UB chinups, 13 HSPU
***Round three: 135lbs, 10, 5 chinups, 11 HSPU

B. emom – 12mins
odd – 1 MU + 5 ring dips
even – pendlay row 4-5 @20X1
***Done at 135s for penally row; ring dips were really easy today.
for time
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 wall walks
20, 18, 15, 12, 9 ring rows
***6:25–this was awful.  My ring rows sucked toward the end, and the sets got smaller and smaller as I went.  Not a fun combo at all.


A. clean and jerk build to a tough single in several sets
***175lbs–pissed off that I am stuck here.  I am not getting full extension on the clean, and I am balking getting underneath the jerk.  Need to work on this a lot.
5min 90% effort
10 air squats
10 situps
10 kbs 1.5pd
**5 rounds–not tough.

rest 3 mins

5mins 90% compare to last week
Row 150m
8 T2B
**4 rounds plus 60m–stayed on pace for 5 rounds but lost it once I lost unbroken t2b in the fourth round.

rest 3 mins

5mins 90%
7 wall balls
7 box jump 24″ sd
5 deadlifts 155#
**5 rounds–worst one of the day.  The combo of the movements plus the small rest time before hand was rough.  Took everything I had to get 5 rounds and stay on pace.

rest 3 mins

5mins 90%
5 T2B
10 step ups
10 HR pushups
***5 rounds–not bad at all.  Good set to come down from being gassed on the previous one.

rest 3 mins

5min 90%
Row 1k
remainder of time DB snatch 60# alt hands per rep
**8 DB snatches at 50#.  Was gassed by the end.

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June 26 – June 30

Row 5k easy pace

A. back squat build to a tough 5 in 5sets

***85, 125, 155, 175, 205, 215—these felt awesome today, and the 215 was tough only on the last rep. Getting stronger!

for time
50 DU 2 MU 5 burpees
40 DU 2 MU 5 burpees
30 DU 2 MU 5 burpee
20 DU 2 MU 5 burpee
10 DU 2 MU 5 burpees
**6:10—the muscle ups frustrated me, and I let my mind tell me I couldn’t do them unbroken the whole time. I definitely could have, but I need to learn to trust myself more on these.

10 sets easy pace
Run 200m
FLR on rings 30sec
**Completed—felt like it took forever.

10min 90% aero
Row for cals

***2450m—2:02 pace with 19rpm; tough to maintain that pace for 10 min, and I was gassed for about a minute or so afterwards.
rest 3mins
10mins 90% aero
AD 20cals
10 walk lunges
10 situps

***3 rounds plus 13 calories—AD was limiter, but tried to stay at a tough pace.
rest 3mins
10min 90% aero
Row for cals

***2407m—2:04 pace; SHIT this was tough, and it took me about 2 minutes to get off the rower afterwards.
rest 3mins
10mins 90% aero
5 power clean and jerk
95# 10 HR pushups
10 CTB chin up in unbroken 5’s

***4 rounds plus 5 clean and jerks—tough because I was spent at this point, but I tried to keep stuff unbroken as long as possible. Couldn’t keep the CTB unbroken, but tried to cycle them quickly.

Row 500m 90% aero rest 2mins x 6-8
rest 4mins after 4th

***Didn’t get this in

A. snatch build to a tough single in 10mins not a 1rm
***Hit 135lbs, most I have hit in a while. I need to gain the confidence on this move that I have on cleans. I know I can get more, but I lack the faith in my form to just go for it.

B. emom – PSx1/snatch balance x 2 easy weight perfect form work on speed – 6-8mins
***did it with 85lbs, no problems +

close grip bench press 8-10
3 rope climbs
AD 30 cals 90% aero
rest 3mins x 4

***4:11, 4:02, 3:51, 3:27 with 105lbs for bench press **This was a lot tougher than expected, but I pushed harder and harder on each one. The last set was basically unbroken rope climbs with no rest, which I should have done earlier. Tiring but good sets.

AD 45mins easy pace
every 5mins complete do 2 TGU 1pd right and left
**Will do this tonight

A. FS build to a tough triple
***195lbs for a triple, 205lbs for a double—happy with this.   Almost had 205lbs for three but got stuck halfway up. 200lb clean is coming!!!

B. 10-1 unbroken thruster for time 70#
**3:39—sets of 8, 7, and 6 were not fun.

C. 3 sets 80-90% aero
Row 500m
15 wall balls 14# 10′ target
10 T2B
60 DU
rest 5mins all sets same pace

***5:18, 4:55, 5:05—all sets were 4/4 on HSPU, 5/3/2 on T2B, and hot messes on DU. Felt gassed by the time I got to these sets, so they felt harder than they should have.

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